The above meeting will be held in E Block commencing at 3.30pm. On arrival please make your way to E Block foyer to sign in where information regarding the location of individual subject rooms will be displayed. Senior staff will be available to provide any further information or help that may be required. In an attempt to reduce the delays caused by unnecessary queuing, an appointments system will be used for this meeting. Students have been issued with an appointment booking sheet so that they can schedule appointments with their aligned teachers. • Please ensure that there is a five minute gap between successive appointments to facilitate movement between rooms. • Failure to keep an appointment at the agreed time may mean a long wait. It may not be possible to be seen next, since other parents may have appointments at that time, and you are therefore requested not to “jump the queue”. This is a crucial time for all and will be a valuable opportunity to engage with staff regarding your child’s progress. These appointments will allow you to discuss academic progress and application to the subject area to date and have an understanding of the way forward through the academic year. It is hoped that these arrangements will prove beneficial to parents and staff.
Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 15:30 to 18:30
Event Category: